Every great entrepreneur once started from the bottom!!! Do you know, before turning into a billionaire, Bill Gates needed to apply for a job just like us? A couple of years prior, Seattle’s Living Computer Museum had displayed Bill Gates’ resume at an event. Bill Gates wrote this resume when he was only 18 and studying at Harvard University and was working for Honeywell with Paulen Allen. Under the Education section, it reads “Currently enrolled for first year at Harvard College. Courses taken include: Operating System Structure, Database Management, Compiler construction and Computer Graphics. Honors student and received A’s in all the above.” Under the Experience Field, the resume has “PDP-10, PDP-8, PDP-11, CDC-6400, Burroughs B-5500, Nova 1200, MCS-8008. Langauge used include FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, BASIC, LISP, JOSS, and machine languages for most of the above computers.” Here, take a look at the billionaire’s resume