Photo credit: Truth theory

see the answers some people gave:
''The planet 🌎 doesn't need saving, we do! We will be long gone before the planet, humanity is it's cancer. The planet will be just fine '' Daniel
''Give every person on this planet 100Billion $$ so no one is rich or poor making us all even for 1 year then after that wipe out all banks and all governments cover up exposing all truth and live life without war-money-power and religions''Contrary to popular belief, the earth is not going to be destroyed by mankind, it'll be destroyed by God! A reminder to believers and to inform non-believers of the coming end of the world...'' - Nguyev

2 Pet 3:10/ KJV. ”But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up...“ - Jeffery L

''The Planet would save itself, life would thrive here, even if nuclear bombs destroy the whole world, a new form of life would come up. Think of saving humans, there is no other being in the planet with so many dreams of tomorrow, so the animals and plants don't have much to lose.'' Nwosh Parammal

''Eliminate the profit-based economy in favor of a global citizens' Bill of Rights, including: food, shelter, health care, education, child care, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, equality under the law, no death penalty, freedom from discrimination, guatanteed (and enforced) standards of human rights, and freedom from false imprisonment... all of this focused on building a unified global community that can elevate society beyond artificial borders, warring over tribal god heads, and warring over tribal/clan/ethnic affiliation. It would free people to pursue their gifts and embolden society at large to progress without the interests of a few dominating the whole.'' - Wadsworth

''Can you remember coming out of your mum's uno and do you no when your time is up the answer is that the world it self no's more to us then we no of so live your life because the flyes the bees the birds watched us all come out The question is are you prepared.'' Samiu

''Why do so many people say that the planet will be fine and it will take care of itself? Think of the ozone layer, a protective layer, the more we destroy it, do you think the planet can still heal itself?'' KC

''I will save our forest . Because without plants theirs no food without food people and animals will no longer exist and the earth will die''

''Love people. And be an example for christ's teachings
Because this is the best way to promote good values and principles. And values and principles afe what will improve our world'' Ralph
''My dream, which would be anathema to conservatives, is a world body that will actually have the teeth to enforce measures to protect the planet and preserve peace.''George
''Get rid of houses and replace with skyscraper apartment buildings to save land for farming. The rate we are going we'll run out of food before we can explore space.;; Owen

'' Do away with the idea of money.
Mankind have developed enough that we could improve the world, rather than be parasites on it.'' 
''Cull the world population by 1% . The Fascist Racist NWO Financial debt slave masters. So people can live in peace instead of divide and rule Evil wars'' Jeffery
''My mineral water company has launched a practical and trendy alternative to the horrible plastic water bottle, that's pretty cool, isn't it;'' Olaf

''According to Hawkins and other big brains, we will be destroyed by AI lobg before the destruction of the earth... So relax, she should be just fine!😀'' Mari 
''Save the planet from what?...the planet will take care of has for billion of know what a dog does to a flea?...the planet will scratch the parasites off and clean itself....;; Marik
''get rid of all nuclear and chemical help equalise the International political playing field <3 May Peace prevail on Earth...'' Burgon

''Educate people so they understand their true nature and teach them that they are integrally connected to each other and to mother Earth ☮️'' Virginal
''Make our water supplies pristine and wrest control of our water from big corporations that charge too much and don't know the first thing about distribution.'' Stanley 
''I did it,I decided to not have any children.......there I actually did my part......want to save the planet-Quit breeding like rats.'' 


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