Town Hall meeting in Dar es Salaam 12 July with STRIVE MASIYIWA

Business Mogul and econet wireless founder, Strive Masiyiwa as revealed in a Facebook post that he will be having a town hall meeting in Dar es Salaam the 12th day in July. Here is the blog post :

Pause: Town Hall meeting in Dar es Salaam 12 July
Let's meet!

A few months ago I promised that whenever I travel to different countries, I would try to fit in a meeting with those of you on this platform based in that country. I'm sure you will understand that it doesn't mean I can do this each time I travel somewhere, as sometimes it's very difficult or inappropriate from a business perspective.

But I have heard and appreciated your different requests over the years and I will try my best. I believe sharing ideas with each other is so important to the future of the African continent, and I really look forward to this direct engagement with each other.

Some of you know that I did a Town Hall meeting in Rwanda recently which was really great. Last year I also did a few events in Kenya. (Unfortunately, many people did not get to hear about those).

Today I can confirm that I will be doing a Town Hall meeting on Entrepreneurship in Dar es Salaam on the sidelines of my visit to speak at the meeting of Mobile Network Operators in Africa, known as GSMA.

My Town Hall meeting will take place at the Aga Khan Diamond Jubilee Hall, Malik Road, Upanga, Dar es Salaam at 6 pm. Please make sure you register to ensure you get a seat. Look for details in my first Afterthought.

For those of you not in Tanzania, we'll also podcast the entire session on Facebook using this page. Details will be posted here so stay tuned. I plan to do Ivory Coast and Togo in September, and hopefully, one or two more Town Halls before the end of the year.

In this picture here with President Bill Clinton and his daughter Chelsea, I was taking part in a Town Hall discussion called "Embrace Tomorrow - A Conversation Without Borders" hosted by the Clinton Foundation in conjunction with the Nelson Mandela Foundation. We were discussing healthcare issues affecting Africa, such as HIV testing, access to clean drinking water and malaria prevention education.

So now it's your turn: I especially want to hear from those of you in Tanzania (and from the rest of you, too). We discuss many aspects of business and entrepreneurship here on this platform.  At the Town Hall, I am really interested in discussing the entrepreneurial challenges most on your mind.

# What do YOU want to talk about?
# What specific questions would you like to ask me? You must write them here please!

And how about helping me finish this sentence:  "If Africa focuses on developing entrepreneurship then"...

Let's talk!

On a separate subject: The Internship Competition -- We have found a way to select two people every year who will visit me and work as an Intern for one week in January each year. We will do it using a competition in which the final selection by readers on this platform. I will post the details before the end of the month.

Here's one question I've asked before, just to get you thinking:

"In all the things you did on the Internet today, did any make you money, develop your career or kick start your business venture?"



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